Sinking Fund Envelopes | 10 Sinking Fund Envelopes with Sinking Fund Trackers including Emergency Fund, Vet fund, and Medical Bills


Do you find yourself caught in the treadmill – trying to pay off debt but then going back into debt with every unexpected situation? The car breaks down. Unexpected doctor visits. Vet bills. Life happens, so let your budget work for you in those situations with our Monthly Sinking Fund Envelopes PDF printable download! With…

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Sinking Funds are the BEST way to make sure that you are prepared for emergency situations… and not have to put unexpected expenses on your credit card. These Sinking Fund Envelopes PDF Printable will help you to save money, keep track of expenses, and be prepared for what life throws at you!


  • Emergency
  • Car Maintenance
  • Home Maintenance
  • Yard and Garden Maintenance
  • Camper and Camping Fund
  • Medical
  • Vet Fund
  • Gifts Fund
  • 2 Extra Envelopes

Each envelope is designed for ease both in storing cash and fitting in most larger wallets. Each envelope also has a tracker on the front of the envelope to help you keep track of the sinking fund totals, with places to write down withdrawals and deposits in each account.

Start getting prepared today with these sinking fund envelopes!


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