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Habits – Get a FREE Devotional Guide


How Habits can Grow your Relationship with God

I’ve recently been doing a deep dive into the creation of habits. One thing that I keep coming back to is the idea that habits are central to our spiritual walk with God. When we think about our spiritual lives, we recognize that in Christ we should be more focused on our relationship with God rather than the specific actions that we do. Focusing on the creation of habits may seem counter-intuitive because habits are actions, right?

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Sherry Turkle said something illuminating about this in her book Reclaiming Conversation. She said, “Relationships deepen not because we necessarily say anything in particular but because we are invested enough to show up for another conversation. In family conversations, children learn that what can matter most is not the information shared but the relationships sustained.”

When we focus on our relationship with God, we are not simply focusing on doing all the right spiritual disciplines, aka right habits, to please God. Instead, we are daily showing up to enter back into relationship with him. That daily return to our conversation with God through prayer, study of his word, accountability with others, and service slowly deepens our relationship with him. We don’t need to get any one action right, but through small actions every day, we will ultimately live rightly and righteously out of the depths of our relationship with God.

habit study

A few years ago during the summer of COVID, my church youth group worked through a study on some habits they would like to add to their lives to deepen their relationship with God. You can access an adapted version of this HABITS journal study guide here for FREE.

bible study

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Hi, I'm so glad your here! I'm Cayce Fletcher, a wife and mother to two little ones. I am passionate about applying God's word faithfully to every area of our lives. Join me as we create a life we love and cultivate our hearts for God.

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