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Hi there! I’m glad you’re here! Here at A More Beautiful Life Collective, we know that the hectic hurry of everyday life can drown out our focus on what really matters. I hope that this site can be a place where you can pause and realign your focus on him by giving you encouragement and equipping you to serve.
Throughout our posts, we focus on making theology practical. We are looking at how our faith permeates every area of our life. The podcast, blog, and shop resources will provide support to help you live your life for Christ.
We focus on three areas at A More Beautiful Life Collective: Discipleship, Productivity, and Homemaking. Check out more on the blog and don’t forget to subscribe to the Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts.
About Cayce
I am a stay-at-home mom of two toddlers, aged 1 and 3. I worked as an English teacher for 5 years, 1 at high school and 4 at middle school. I got the opportunity to stay home this year, and I am so excited!
You can read more here about my experience entering the classroom and being a working mom.
I have had a heart to create a place where I can share some of the devotions I’ve taught and lessons I’ve learned over the years. I have been writing and teaching at my church since I was 15. In college, I began to teach classes for other young adults at my church. Since then, I’ve become a youth worker at my church and have continued to write and teach. I love volunteering and contributing to the church locally as it is the best way to truly disciple in the faith.
But, I am also excited to share with others what I have learned and taught. My goal is to point you to a more abundant way of living by encouraging you to dive deep in your walk with God.
Hello Friend,
I’m glad you’re here!
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope that the posts and resources that you’ve found here have inspired you to create a life you love and cultivate your heart for God.

About My Story
Here’s a little of my story. I will continue to share more about myself through my posts.
I am a born and raised South Carolinian. I’ve lived in the same little upstate town my whole life. The Blue Ridge Mountains have been a constant background in my life. It is the sense of place that steadies my feet. Growing up, my family was always active in the local church. We had the idyllic 90s childhood, complete with family beach trips, Saturday morning cartoons and evening bicycle rides through the neighborhood.
When I was 10, my world came crashing down in a seismic tragedy that rocked my childhood to the core. My mother was diagnosed with cancer which proved deadly. Before she was diagnosed, my parents decided to sell our childhood house and move in with my grandmother to build their dream home that they thought they would grow old in. During her year-long battle, we watched as she grew more and more frail and sick. About two months after we moved into the house of my parent’s dreams, my mother was moved to hospice and passed away there. A few weeks after my grandmother passed away. And then, a few weeks later, my father had a heart attack and also passed away. In the span of a year, everything we had known and held dear was changed, and destroyed.
My aunt and uncle took us in and took care of us. It’s against the backdrop, that I grew up. I recognize the importance of family, but also the great care and love that God can give us in the face of a broken world.
Sometimes, I feel like I’m pursuing the house of my childhood as I create my own home. But, I recognize that I am truly trying to bring a slice of the kingdom here as I disciple my children to go out and grow in Christ.
I’m excited to share more of my story and what I’ve learned over the two decades of following Christ through trials, temptations, and celebrations.
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