

As a mother, my most important calling and focus is raising up children who know who God is and showing them how the gospel changes everything through the way that the gospel changes me. I am not guaranteed anything, including children who follow God, but I want my time at home to be something that matters. I want to be intentional and do the best that I can with the days that I have. That is a beautiful life. On this page, you’ll find articles related to homemaking, including articles on motherhood, homeschooling, and taking care of a home. We, both men and women alike, are called to make our house a life-giving home. I hope you’ll be encouraged in that endeavor here.

Find Our Latest Posts on Homemaking Here

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    Family Meal Times are so beneficial for you and your family. Research shows that consistent family meal times result be better spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and relational health. But, how do we consistently get our families to the table with yummy food to eat? This post dives into the basics of Family Meal Planning to…

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  • Three Simple Cleaning Routines to get and keep your home in tip-top shape!

    Three Simple Cleaning Routines to get and keep your home in tip-top shape!

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